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Our work is not possible without your partnership. Your tax-deductible gifts allow us to provide the highest quality care for our families. We consider your donation an investment. You’re investing in real, measurable and lifelong change empowering our community’s most vulnerable and at-risk young people. Helping one child and family at a time is the day-to-day activity that gives life to our belief that thriving families make thriving communities.


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Volant United Methodist
1100 Main StreetVolant, PA 16156

(Please place in front of large garage door behind the church)

• Disposable Diapers
• Baby Wipes
• Baby Clothing - all sizes, including preemie and newborn
• Baby blankets / Receiving blankets
• Socks - girls & boys - all sizes (new only)
• Underwear - girls & boys - all sizes (new only)
• Pajamas/Nightgowns - all sizes (new only)
• Pants/Shorts/Skirts - sweatpants, jeans, khakis - all sizes
• Tops - long & short sleeves, polos, sweatshirts - all sizes
• Coats - all sizes
• Shoes - all sizes (new or gently used only)
• Sports equipment/attire - cleats/spikes, bats, basketballs, footballs, soccer balls, volley balls, soft balls, gymnastics attire, ballet attire (new or gently used only)

• Hygiene items - shampoo/conditioner, lotion, face wash, body wash, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, combs, hair accessories (new only)
• School Supplies - Backpacks, pencils, colored pencils, pens, crayons, markers, folders, binders, tablets, erasers, glue sticks (new only)
• Comfort items – Stuffed animals, throw blankets, books (new only)


Find us: 

1100 Main Street, Volant, PA 16156



Our caring closet provides clothing and other personal items for foster and at-risk youth. Often when a child is placed with a family, they come with nothing. We offer families a cost-free option to get clothing and other necessary supplies.


Easter Baskets

Easter is a fun time of year to share the love of Jesus.  We provide Easter baskets that will be delivered to foster children in Lawrence County and the surrounding area by pairing with local foster agencies. 

Top View of Kids Playing


Being a foster parent is a rewarding yet difficult responsibility that requires physical and emotional stamina. So much time is spent caring for the children, facilitating visits with the birth family, and attending court hearings that little time or energy is left to care for themselves. Respite Nights provide foster parents time to enjoy a much deserved and regularly scheduled break. By bringing their foster, adopted and biological children, parents can take the night off while qualified and loving volunteers provide their children with fun activities in a safe environment.  Let your children join us for dinner, games, crafts, stories, snacks and movies.
By providing quality respite care, we aim to help caregivers take care of themselves and increase the amount of foster families in the community.

School Supply


At various points throughout the calendar year, we also offer additional assistance through Intake Meals and Back to School Events! Check out or calendar for additional details. 

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